Monthly Archives: June 2012

Travel, shravel.

I’m heading to Lahore in the morning. Way in the morning. I gave my cat away earlier today (sniff). The only upside is that the monsoon is coming. Constant rain will make the weather sexy. I feel sorry for the people getting married in this weather. I can barely survive in a Tshirt and a PJ.

What will the 137494 kg wedding dress and the1234 grams of makeup do to the bride i wonder.

Anyway. I’m not taking my laptop. 😐
I am taking game of thrones (the super big fat novel for those who havent seen it), that should keep me company. For a day or two atleast. Hopefully. 

Friends or no friends?

I don’t show my emotions much. Well not when I don’t want to. Otherwise it’s pretty easy for me to be sad or happy for the masses (namely my friends). Its pretty easy to make me happy. And likewise, its pretty damn easy to make me sad.

Ive been having massive mood swings lately. That results in me thinking about things that ill normally let pass. My latest dilemma is again, kinda stupid, but im going to write about it anyway.

So I had this friend. Let’s call her ‘Angelina’. The idea behind this alias is so random, I think my brain is stupid :|. So I’d been friends with Angelina my whole life. Well almost, if you count thirteen out of 20 years as the part of life that actually mattered. Sleepovers, gossip, sneak outs, phone conversations going on for hours at a time, endless complaining, studying for exams together, being the first text buddies when we got our first mobile phones, blah blah, you probably get the picture by now.

When Alevels started, there was this guy in the picture. Let’s call him Bobby. Mainly because 1, that’s what his friends called him to bug him* and 2, I don’t feel like being nice. He loved her, she didn’t care. They were really good friends however but she just didn’t like like him. So I hung out with them, solved their problems, convinced her to go out with him, talked to them both when they had a fight, and basically all my A levels revolved around them.

Then university started. Bobby was in the same university as me, but Angelina went to a different one. I was still friends with them and interceded when they had a fight but that happened less frequently now. Skipping to almost six months after university started, Bobby got into some university in England and at the airport when he was leaving, he confessed his undying love to her one more time and she realized it was the same for her and ta daaa. So filmy :’). But pretty cute nonetheless.  Something they can tell their kids, maybe.

So all was well, I met her occasionally, talked to him on Facebook. All was well. I got up at 3a.m. to wish him a happy birthday at 12 his time. That’s the extent of our friendship and considering I always fall asleep and miss everyone’s birthday, that’s a big thing. When he came, we went out. Fun scene. We had a misunderstanding in the middle but even that got sorted cuz he said he missed me and I was all ‘aww’.

The trouble started when me and Angelina went through some shit and stopped talking really. She didn’t make an effort and I was done with trying to keep everyone happy so I didn’t either. My parents were oh so curious about the falling out but what could I tell them, or anyone who asked? There was no actual reason. A couple of misunderstandings, and the lack of effort to mend anything, on both our parts. That’s all there was to it.

Now he came back for a visit. I texted him a ‘welcome back’ but he didn’t reply. So the thing that’s bothering me is that does all that time not even warrant a decent reply? I told a mutual friend that this was bugging me. He says that because I’m not friends with his girlfriend anymore, so to speak, he wouldn’t reply.

It saddens the crap out of me.

Did the three years I spent being friends with him amount to this? Are all relationships conditional?

That mutual friend also says that i should stop doing anything for anyone and be a friend to only those who’re friends with me. Otherwise, forget about them and keep moving forward.

I dont get it.


*The names Bobby or Bijli are mostly associated with transgenders here. Not that i have anything against anyone at all 😐


Is it just me or does music actually make things better? ❤

World music day gig was fun. I should get over my stage fright 😐

Protected: EVERYONE is a fucking liar.

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Here and there.

I’ve had a crazy 24 hours. Not exactly crazy in a ‘baby’s day out’ kinda way, but crazy nonetheless.

My cat had a kitten exactly two months ago. Obviously it was too young to be given away before but I’d run out of excuses. Besides, the kid who wanted the kitten was going crazy waiting.

So, last night started with me confirming that I’d give the cat to him in the morning and then started everything else. You know, how the first domino leads to complete chaos.  People were texting and since my phone is being so difficult, I put it aside. Being bored outta my wits, I started ‘Californication’ where I’d left off and before you know it I was hooked (again).

At around four a.m., I was done. The ending if the third season is so emotional, it nearly had ME teary eyed. Yes, ME, the emotionless zombie of a person.  After the season ended, the only thing I could think of doing was checking my Facebook since my sleep had evaporated into vapors of unseen dreams.

Did the usual things on the site, which seemingly took no time at all, and so I started a conversation with a friend that I haven’t talked to in EONS. Since he was busy and I was quickly approaching mental breakdown stage, I buzzed my two best friends on chat, and then started the rant. After nearly an hour of endless cursing, swearing and bitching, I blocked my best friend.  Funny thing is, he was making me feel better about myself and I was deliberately ‘testing his patience’, so to speak. My other best friend was pretty cool about it and even offered to meet, but then again, there’s only one of me, and I promised someone I’d hang out with them.

I finally slept around 7a.m. and the next thing I know, someone was knocking on my window telling me that my friend was there to take me to university. It’s the groggiest feeling, waking up, when you haven’t slept properly. Blekh.  I’m going to summarize the events that ensued, because if I elaborated, it’d take forever.

  1. Donned a pair of jeans with a shirt, grabbed kitten and rushed out.
  2. Got to university, sat in his car with the kitten and went to his house.
  3. I got off at the market and sat there waiting for his royal butt-ness to get his ass back from dropping the kitten at his place.
  4. Went back to university, saw my lovely lovely papers, all of which I screwd up somehow, and had a disagreement with someone.
  5. Went to Hardees taking a random friend along, who called HER random, but very fun friends.
  6. Got a very pissed off friend to drop me to a friend’s house, had a shouting match on the way, got to my friends and started  talking non-stop cuz I was freaking out.
  7. Went to this café with her and another friend and another friend came there. Food has started making me sick.
  8. Came home!

The first thing I did was check on my cat. Who was super upset. Which made me cry.  Im such a wuss sometimes. And I locked myself outta my house too. OMG. I’m so dumb. Then he wanted to see my face and was roaming in my street. That was funny. He’s  nice.  Sometimes. Eventually my dad got home and that is how I escaped the sweltering heat. Which was not SO sweltering at 6.30 p.m. but you know.

After that I hung out with dad. Nothing of consequence happened. Saw the dark night, got sad for heath ledger blah blah blah. And then I slept while writing this.

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This is Lahore.

This is Lahore.

It was terrible weather. I didn’t take a picture of how bad the weather was but this should give you an idea.

This is Murree.

This is Murree.

It was lovely weather and always raining. I was cold despite the sweater 😐