Monthly Archives: November 2012

Sleepy mornings.

I got up at 6a.m. on a monday morning. It was a relief since my sleep was being disturbed by horrible dreams, but then again, who likes getting up at 6 on a monday morning!?


My friend hasn’t talked to me since our awkward whatsapp conversation. I don’t know what to make of this.


I got ready slowly since my friend comes at around a quarter to nine, but as luck would have it, my class starts at 11 today.





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bestfriends for ever.

It was a not so lovely Saturday morning. Not so lovely because
she’d been rudely awakened by her cat miaowing in her face.
At 4 am. She did manage to sleep again after half an hour but
as they say (not really) ‘ a sleep lost is never the same’.

I dont think that makes sense :S

Anyway, so it was an okay morning. She went up because she
had some pictures left to edit, did that and uploaded them. Her
mum was having a headache so she helped with breakfast and
came back to sit infront of the computer. She’d ordered a
phone so she opened her e-mail for the confirmation when
she saw lots of wordpress emails. Thats why she opened her
blog. While she was at it, she opened her almost-best-friends
blog. And read things. A pretty disturbing post. She got a
sickening feeling that it was about her. After reading it two
three times, she was still in her what-the-fuck-just-happened

She whatsapped her friend. The conversation is amusing, but
too long to write. In the end, after lots of evasion on her friends
part, she wrote something like ‘have fun, and you shouldnt do
xyz if you’re gonna say zxy’. (Censoring cuz this blog isnt that
anonymous anymore).

‘What are you implying!?’

‘Just an honest piece of advice’

‘I know the difference between advice and a snide comment. I
need to sleep. Goodnight.’

Maybe i AM the common denominator.

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To wish upon a lantern.

We had lanterns in our university yesterday! LANTERNS! sigghss. 

I had to wish a wish that i wanted to wish but being the self obsessed idiot i am sometimes, the only thing on my mind was a nice picture. Which incidentally, happened. 


Also, hot guy on my twitter hot guy on my twitter hot guy on my twitter hot guy on my twitter :O

Do i sound fifteen or what?


I was at a friends university yesterday (where the hot guy currently studies) and since i looked very plain, i wasn’t exactly dying to get introduced. But, my friend, given the bitch she is, started announcing in front of him, ‘oh thats the guy you wanted to meet!?’

All i wished for at that moment was the ground to swallow me, or her. Or me and him together which wouldn’t be that bad either 😀




I’m wearing a random guys jacket. It looks SO hot on me. Anyway i can convince him to give it to me?





Ego boost. The guy you stalk for a very very very  long time, stalking you.

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‘Writing comes more easily if you have something to say.”



Boy do i have alot to say.

Exams are happening. Omg.

I studied. For the first two exams. Been downhill from there. My papers were pretty good though. Tomorrows the last one! 😀

woot woot.


Cheated on my diet today. The lure of the apple pie filled doughnut was too much for my already depressed mind. Damn you, taste buds.


I looked like a retard today. My normally conservative dressing went out the window. A shirt, with a light hoodie, and harem pants. And almost every piece of jewellery i own. Then again, not really. I LOVE jewellery. As i always say, no such thing as too funky. No wonder my teacher asked me that question during the paper.

Referring to my jewellery, she asks laughingly,’Have you left ANYTHING at home?’


I’m not your bro. I don’t want to be. Sure, i’m fine being friends, but i’m NOT your bro. A boy i like, liking my friend, is all very new to me. I cant deal with it.


Took dads collegue out for dinner and the tour of the city yesterday. My city is So gorgeous. Sighs.

She was from london. I like british accents ❤


I have rainbow coloured nails. Yay me!


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Too cornyyyy.

‘You’re such an asshole!’

‘No, i am not!’

‘YES, you are’

‘The only thing i am, is in love with you.’



‘How corny hahahahah’


Do i suck or what.

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Exams. Every students nightmare. Even if one is well prepped, theres no telling what the teachers will ask of us. What if the teacher had a fight with his wife when he was making the paper? He’d probably be in a foul mood, feeling vindictive and revengeful. Which is bad for for us. Like, really bad.In my case. the anticipation is worse than the actual experience.

My exams start in two days. One and a half day actually. I watched more tv yesterday than i’ve seen all month.

In the morning, i woke up next to my books and automatically started studying. One productive hour. Yayy me. Then i got hungry and went up for breakfast.

After a long, elaborate baseless conversation on the breakfast table with my family, i decided to resume studying.

I’ve been wanting to learn how to play guitar since forever now. I got my guitar when i was around eleven maybe. And i’ve been waiting for someone to teach me all this time.

So today, i picked up the guitar, googled chords on my phone, drew them on the open pages of my textbook and started playing.

After an hour and a half it struck me that the only time i’m really motivated to do EVERYTHING else except studying, is when exams are one and a half day away.

I should really stop resting my arms on my textbook now. Pray for me. Much love ❤


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I’ve been having insanely realistic dreams. I plan on doing something and that very night i dream of the consequences. I regret not doing something and the same night i dream of what could’ve been… Dreams are an odd sort of concept. If it’s our subconscious then how does one explain psychic dreams? And if they’re based on reality, how would one explain bizarre hollywood styled ones?