Monthly Archives: August 2013



I love this. Amazing piece of writing. I did, at some point in my life, feel the exact same thing. Except, I told him. I let him know. There was no way that i would’ve let it remain a mystery. I needed to know, just so i would have the strength to move on.

Let him/her know. That way atleast you wont wonder.

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In sickness, and in health.

I miss writing!

I have these really weird thoughts and ideas that i need to express but given the amount of procrastination required for my health (which is ALOT), I tend to get lazy and not type them out. And given my wonderful, wonderful memory, all those brilliant thoughts, get locked up in the subconscious (read useless) part of my brain.


*Diagram of my brain. All my memories and knowledge are in my subconscious and completely inaccessible. 


Anyway. I have realized, i need to start writing again! In sickness, AND in health. So what if i hate typing on my phone and so what if it takes ages to actually go find my laptop and turn it on, and log in (Im tired just thinking about it!), but really. Now i will.

Also, people need to be nicer. SO what if the governments are f*cking around? At the end of it all, we need to have each other’s backs. We, the people! If we were all SUPER nice to each other, or to  random strangers who needed help, no matter what the ruling elite did, there’d still be people smiling in the world.


The common girl.


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Happy birthday love.


I don’t know if ill send this to you. Probably not. I don’t think I have the guts.

I miss you. More than any other friend that isn’t a friend anymore. More than alot of other people actually.. Happy birthday loose.

I don’t know how stupid I was back then, or how immature, but I’d like to think that I’ve grown up. I realize, that you’re one of the nicest people ever.. no scratch that. Youre amazing.

You probably dont wanna hear from me, I mean why would you? Ive been a complete bitch to you haina? I wouldn’t wanna hear from me either if I were in your place.

Thankyou for everything Mr. Loose. Thankyou for the company, the being there despite me being a first rate ass, for caring more than I can describe, and for trying to give me the happiness that I sure as hell didn’t deserve back then.

I miss you, I swear. A lot.

Happy birthday pretty boy. I hope your year is amazingly amazing. I hope you get all the success in the world. And I hope that someday, you’ll find It in your heart to forgive me. Proper wala.

If there’s anything at all.. that I can do..

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L.o.v… Wait what?

Am I incapable of love? I feel dead inside, emotionally. I get excited about cats and icecream and a lot of things but I dont feel love. Love for the boy I’m supposed to be getting married to, I.e.

Why are their no butterflies in my stomach?

What is wrong with me


So did I write about the too much nutella I had in Italy? I think I did :/

Even if I didn’t, I think the Italians have nutella after every meal :l

All that nutella, has made me so FAT.

Someone transform me into hot skinny babe, please.

Much love

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