Monthly Archives: September 2013

Random ramblings of an exhausted mind.





I don’t mean to be offensive. I’m sure you guys are all sensible (writers normally are ;))

But wow man. So there’s this guy who was in love with a girl. Understandably, cuz she’s hot.

She, however, is in love with a guy who reminds me of Jaffaar*. Why? I fail to understand. None of us understand. And it’s not like he has an amazingly charming personality either! AND he most certainly doesn’t fall into the category of those amazingly sexy badass boys either.

So my conclusion for that particular love story is, that love is blind and deaf and dumb.

Well, Guy #1 is cool. He’s awfully nice to that girl and all. Has temper issues that could match thunderstorms but his heart is in the right place. Probably. Hopefully.

But we girls don’t like nice guys now do we?

So Guy#2 a.k.a  Jaffaar, ditched the hot girl and she was best friends with Guy#1. Then Guy#2 decided he wants her back, and now the best friend/guy#1 (who obviously was going to completely lose it) has lost it.  And was all menacing to the girl and yelled at her and what not.

Resultantly, the rest of the girl-friends, aren’t talking to him. And he doesn’t get why. Which is.. odd.

Sad. Just sad.

*Jaffaar – The guy in Disney’s Aladdin. Creepy eyes, the turban, the parrot and the thirst for sexy girls and money and power.


My university has rules. And a bureaucratic structure. And crazy mean old men, who are the administration. Who harass girls! We get fined for wearing jeans to the business school (because it isn’t business-y enough and guys have to wear gay trousers and shit all the time), we get fined for tight clothes (How do they judge that, I wonder) and we get fined for nearly anything and everything.

BUT, we all lived with it peacefully.

Until. Someone wrote an article in the news about how my university is all oppressive and terrorist like and God knows what else. I dislike my university. The campus is brilliant, the faculty and everything else is pretty good. But the rules and those who enforce them SUCK.  

Now, we aren’t allowed to eat with boys after 5 p.m. in the University cafeterias!  Given that it’s an internationally ranked university and its co-ed and all that, the rule is kinda reallllllyy absurd.

I mean if you’ve found people fornicating in the bloody disgusting bathrooms (which I can’t even stand in due to the bloody smell), then make a spectacle out of them! Expulsion of 4-6 people would lead to automatic enforcement of the ‘no-sex-or-kissing-etc-in-the-campus’ rule! But. no. Just ban boys and girls from hanging out publicly in public places. That is bound to fix everything. No one would dare go to the bathrooms together again (which they were doing secretly anyway). PSSSFFFTTT.




The thing that bothers me most, is that no one realizes the contradiction. The no-jeans rule, and proper attire rule was only there because it is a BUSINESS school and they want us to look like we are in meetings/presentations all the time.  Now, they fine us for wearing tights, tight/fitted clothes and no dupattas** because apparently, that is indecent.

Are they fining for indecency or non-business attire?

Because other schools in my university have no decency rules. Girls show up in T-shirts and Skinny jeans and they’re fine. But if we don’t cover ourselves with extra cloth, we’re shameless wanton nymphomaniacs.


**dupattas (urban version)- flimsy piece of translucent cloth that girls should have around their necks as a show of modesty.

