Monthly Archives: January 2013

The world can fuck off. Or make me feel loved. Or fuck off.

Weird right?

I know.

But thats just how it is. Here’s what happened (Monk style, for those of you who’ve seen it)

So i have atleast three immediate groups. One’s the people of my class. The other is the people in the other section. And the third one is people in a different university. I also hang out with my two best friends (different batches,same university) and their friends.

SO let me summarize. I have the following options.

1. Hang out with my class.

2. Hang out with my friends in the other section.

3. Hang out with my two bestfriends. (The three of us are bffs)

4. Hang out with bestfriend#1 and her friends.

5. Hang out with bestfriend#2 and her friends.

6. Get dropped to the other university (5 mins away) and hang out with them.

What happens is, i hang out with all these people simultaenously.

And i miss out.

Since i’m not part of any particular group, noone notices my absence. They just assume i’m with other people.

Last day of exams, my class wasnt going anywhere and the friends from the other section had no immediate plans, so i went to the other university. It was fun, dont get me wrong, but somehow i just felt like i was intruding. I dont really know. And later i found out that most of my class did  go out. And never told me.

SO, last day of exams, everyone partied without me.

And, since noone associates completely with me, i feel left out.

Really, really left out. Which translates to feeling like shit.

Does anyone have a solution?

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Slightly confused.

How is it, that i got more views when i wasn’t writing, as compared to when i was?


Anyway. It’s that horrid time of the year again, when i have exams. Pray for me please? Much love. 


Also, How do you believe someone when they tell you they love you?

Any thoughts?

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Back with a bangg.. i will be.

I miss writing here. I really do. I changed phones and its really hard typing long thought strings on it which is why i just .. dont. To top that, i had no internet. In this day and age! Can you imagine the atrocity? Sighs. The people who live upstairs finally password-ified their Wifi after three years and after panicking and not being able to facebook twentybillion hours a day, we finally got a niice internet connection. *sigh of relief*

And it’s not like i don’t have things to write about! I miss certain people, i don’t know where i am in life and i’ve been having crappy days. But i couldnt write about it. For all those who write regularly as a catharsis, you know what i’m talking about. 

Anyway, I still have work to do and miles to go before i sleep so i will come and whine and muse here later. Hope everyone who’s reading this had a very happy-happening 31st Dec/1st January 😀 ❤