Monthly Archives: November 2013

Boys, and their lack of common sense.

Boys are quite clueless aren’t they?

If you’ve got a girlfriend, surprise her from time to time. Give her something pretty once in a while. It could be a flower. An inexpensive piece of jewellery. An expensive piece of jewellery. A piece of candy. A pack of chewing gum. Flowers.

Its basic common courtesy/knowledge/sense.

Seriously, jeez.



Then they say women are hard to understand




Also. If your actions affect a girl a lot, don’t do the one’s that might hurt her. Because a little carelessness/selfishness on your part, might mean serious mindfucks for her. 


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Enroute to becoming a recluse.

I miss my best friend.

I normally don’t actually get into the whole ‘best-friend’ thing, after two very sad experiences.
Basically, in my opinion, try not to rely on people. Try not to get them under your skin. Try, to keep your distance. That is the key to not getting screwed over.

Let me start from the beginning.

I became friends with a really amazing girl. Selfless, caring, beyond loving, sweet, naive, fun and honest. I meant it when i said amazing.

We spent the better part of two years together, going to university together, baking together, jamming together, everything, essentially.

I was sick once and she got me flowers and chocolate! And i wasn’t even mortally ill or anything, JUST a bit under the weather.

She was a year senior to me, so she graduated. And we didnt have to meet as much. Hell, we didnt HAVE to meet at all.


And that’s exactly what happened. We didn’t meet.




I was in a different city over the summer. She messaged me a billion times to come back so we could meet up. I came back and told her we should meet up whenever she has the time. (Her life is like a whirlwind of activity, so prior appointments need to be made).

But she never got free.

I’m the kind of person, who listens. My problems, are generally  my problems. I never go around telling people. Even if i’m really depressed, I’ll keep it inside me till i get proper depressed.

She always made me tell her. She would know if something was amiss and she would ask until i told her. And then she disappeared.

So I kept everything inside, and it kept building up till it nearly enveloped all the happy that is me.




She came to university to ‘supposedly’ meet me. She came five minutes before my class and I cried when i saw her. She asked me why i’d blocked her on whatsapp. Even though it made no difference, since we barely talk. Then i went to class. She socialized, and i went out with my friends.


That was the last time we met.




Fine, I have issues. I should understand that people can be busy. I should understand that she had to meet certain people, and not me, because i wasn’t up her ass. I should understand that people have different priorities. I should understand that some people get close to people that they have to hang around with, and then ignore their existence once that hangout phase is over.

I should also understand, that people dont take the term ‘bestfriend’ too seriously. And that relying on people who aren’t your family, or significant others, is stupid.


How do you not miss someone though?


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