Monthly Archives: May 2013

And for a moment, a very brief moment, I was in love again.

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Electricity, a thing of the past.


Humans have evolved. So very, very much.

From starting a fire, to making clothes, languages, utilizing sources of energy, making the telephone, the nano technology, cars, sexy cars and now the super smart technology that we all know and love, this is the age of technology.

Or is it?

In my country, we don’t have too much electricity. Like, we did, in the past, but as I’m growing older, the number of hours that I have electricity at my disposal, are decreasing.

If you’re not from my country, you’ll find this notion bizarre. I mean think about it.

No electricity means, you can’t toast your bread, can’t microwave your food, can’t iron your clothes, can’t straighten your hair, can’t charge your gadgets, can’t turn on the fan (at temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius – bloody hot), cant turn on the AC, can’t use the internet, can’t blog, can’t turn on the mosquito-kiling-machine and so on.

Yeah, i bet that gave you jitters.

It’s not that bad if you can afford a UPS or a generator, but if you can’t, well then.

Welcome back to the Stone-ages.


P.s. I have a UPS. Which is dying.

P.p.s. Will someone do something about the electricity shortage already?!?!?!?

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Happiness comes in all shapes and sizes. (<lol)

It feels good to have friends who’ll stick around. Like, really really good.

These are the people who will fight with you and flirt with you and call you ugly one day and beautiful the next. They will travel a few hundred kilometers to meet you, wake up if you really want them to, spend hours comforting you if you’re down and make fun of you when they’re bored. They’ll tell you hilarious stories, update you about their hopes and dreams, ask about yours and give you advice, endlessly.


If you have people like that, consider yourself very very lucky.

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Waili means free. You’d think being free is the one unquenchable desire that humans have. To be free of the binds of society, responsibility, social roles etc etc etc. But waili means ‘someone whos free and has nothing in the world to do’. It’s used negatively.

And for good reason.

I bake right, professionally? I’ve mentioned it before, so I woke up at 7 somethin to bake. I baked and caked till 2 in the afternoon. Didn’t.go to university because my friend didn’t pick me. So I just sat. And.ate. Played with my phone. Groaned, ‘I’m bored’, after random intervals. Sat. Complained. Changed sofas. Sat. Ate. Checked phone. Sat. Played with my cat. Sat. Sat. Sat.

You know what they say. ‘An idle mind, is the devils workshop’.

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