Monthly Archives: September 2012

Musings, thoughts and protests.

I dont write much anymore. Maybe its cause my lifes a useless whirlwind again and i’m endlessly going from one place to another. Useless because i dont really do anything productive. I go to university but dont study, i go out but dont have fun, i have conversations but they’re meaningless, i come home and laze around till its time to sleep and then i sleep, which isn’t the peaceful, blissful sleep it used to be.Makes you wonder about the purpose of life doesn’t it.

I never liked being in love. Living for friends seems kinda shallow. Living for family is unattainable. Living for God is what i’m supposed to be doing. Living for ones self is selfish. Living for others is stupidity.

Everyones faulty. All you do is ignore those faults if the person is worth it. Thats how we all choose our friends. Some people find and filter people superficially. Some people go indepth and then choose. From being a very social person, i’m hesitant about even meeting new people now. Only cause i think making random small talk is just annoying.

I need to clean my room. The problem is, it smells like my cat pee’d in it and i cant abide the smell so i avoid my room all together.

The protests that we had, they were depressing. I’ve reported a billion fb pages targetting Islam in the past month. Why cant people stick to their own faith? Why must there be constant finger pointing? And my lovely fellow country people, they’re just frustrated because of the ever failing conditions of the country. They needed an outlet to vent and they got it. They refuse to acknowledge the fact that they’re making a mockery outta themselves and their country. Idiots.


I went to kashmir over the weekend. It was breathtakingly beautiful. And we sat in the back of a hilux, which for you guys who dont know, is like a jeep with an open back. It was overcast nearly the entire time and the wind was in our hair. I took like a thousand pictures. I wish the rest of Kashmir wasn’t disputed territory.


Protected: Boys and men.

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If the writing is honest it cannot be separated from the man who wrote it.

– Tennessee Williams

Love and other drugs.

How perfectly lovely.