Monthly Archives: December 2013

“The most confused you will ever get is when you try to convince your heart and spirit of something your mind knows is a lie.”
― Shannon L. Alder

“The most confu…

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Crash and burn.

So you take a deep breath and try to come to terms with reality. And you fail. Your first instinct is to console yourself; to reassure yourself that ‘This isn’t happening’. But the question remains, are you in denial?

I’ve always gotten whatever I’ve wanted. And it feels good being that high up in the clouds all the times. But the higher you go, the more it hurts when you fall down. And the fall might even end up killing you.

When you always get what you want, there is a sort of invincibility that courses through your veins. You’re awash with arrogance, something that tells you that you will never fall. And you keep pushing the limits. You leave the safe zone far behind. Because you can never fall down right?

Wrong. You come crashing to the ground. Everything you know disintegrates, disappears in a cloud of dust. The clouds that had been supporting your weight as you floated around on them, turn out to be real clouds. Nothing more than a bunch of water droplets.

You realize you’ve been stupid. Really really stupid.

Since when do water droplets support the weight of a human being?

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Things I’ve learnt from life (aaaand really need to follow.)

1. Don’t speak unless spoken to. Unless you’re with a shy unknown type person. Be a better listener than you are a speaker.


2. Don’t ever laugh at others. Unless it can’t be helped :p even then, try not to.


3. Don’t ever be there for people who aren’t worth it. For me its been the hardest since I’m the * be there for everyone* type. But trust me it’s the worst thing you can do to yourself. 


4. Always feel blessed. There are always at least three people in the world who love you unconditionally. Treasure that. Revel in that. Make it your safety net.


5. Always make time for people who you think are worth it. They might need you and you might not know it. How would that make you feel later?


6. Don’t overestimate or underestimate people or yourself. They can surprise you. Big time. And you can actually do most of the things you set your mind to. And if you’ve got a talent, tab tau scene is on 😀


7. A guy and a girl can NEVER ever be good friends. period.


8. Never make commitments that you can’t keep. Even if you’re 99% sure that you can keep it, its still not good enough. you’ll end up hurting people. 


9. Be nice to EVERYONE. A smile, a look of respect, talking very politely? won’t matter to you, might make someone’s day.


10. Never trust someone with everything. It will come back to bite you. and THAT will hurt.


11. It doesn’t matter how LONG you’ve been friends with someone. Old isn’t necessarily gold. Your oldest friends can change priorities dramatically and don’t be surprised if you’re not one of them.


12. Don’t lose your religion. Ask God for help whenever you need it. He is the most gracious and the most merciful.


13. Be honest. With everything. In everything.  It’s the one thing that’ll save you alotta trouble.


14. Don’t wait around for people*. If they’re making you wait you’re obviously not one of their top priorities. Why make them yours?

(*best friends, significant others etc)


15. Smile and laugh. Be high. Smiles and laughter: contagious. Cost nothing and make you look better.


16. Always respect your elders. Contrary to your obnoxious beliefs, you don’t know everything. You may be right occasionally, that still doesn’t give you the green signal to shoot your mouth off or disrespect them.


17. Read. You learn a lot. Read newspapers, things your friends write, blogs and notes etc.

It’ll give you a better insight into people. And life.


18. Help someone out. Make someone feel special. A compliment, giving someone a hand, a piece of gum( no matter how hard that may seem :p), or even a nice text can do wonders.


19. Never lose hope. Even when you’re at rock bottom. You can only go up from there. And if you’re not at rock bottom yet but going there steadily, well things always get worse before they get better :/ :p


20. Don’t watch sad movies. There is enough sadness in the world without us having want to want it intentionally.

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What do I do if I hate my bestfriends girlfriend?

Okay, its not that dramatic. I swear.

It’s just. We grew up together. Literally. Sure, there was the whole ‘boys are gross’ phase, where I was above the other gender. But apart from that, we grew up together!

He dated my girl bestfriend. I love both of them so much. And then they broke up -.-

Anyway. He’s dating someone from his university now. And I’m here for a visit and I don’t know how to act :0

Normally, I’m like his Mom/sister/girlfriend all at once. I order him around, make him take care of me and I’m super possessive.

With her around, its a strange kinda formal. (Read: soweird)

So you see my dilemma? How do I act around him :0 the fact that I need to think.about this is what bothers me.


I bet she’s nice. She makes him happy :/

aand she has nice hair.

Do you stop?

You’re all rushing. Hurrying away. Like cars on an expressway.

You’re probably with lots of people, all walking as fast as you.

But you want to stop. You want to stop, and catch your breath. You want to look around. Re-valuate your life. Are you going in the right direction?

If you stop. You’ll fall behind. They’ll all move on. Your comfort, your security will be blown away. They’ll leave you behind.


The question is, do you stop?

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