Monthly Archives: February 2014

Back to my really depressing reality.

An essence is basically defined as ‘the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, which determines its character’.

The synonyms are interesting: quintessence, soul, spirit, ethos, nature, life, lifeblood, core, heart, centre, crux.

So what is your essence? Think about it. What is it that makes you, you? What is it about you, that defines how you do things, that defines how you live your life.

Some people are impassive, uncaring, phlegmatic, selfish and self absorbed. And it is clear as day, for anyone to see. In their day to day dealings, in the way they act: In the way they are.

Other people are the opposite. They care, they are kind, and selfless, and altruistic and selfless. And it feels warm being around them because they make you privy to their heart.

He was second one, always. Emphasis on the was.


I told you I loved you yesterday.

(Always a stupid idea, in retrospect)

I also told you I didn’t understand. When I was being a bitch, you were head over heels. And now that I’m back to being the girl you fell in love with, you’re telling me to fuck the fuck off.

You were really mean. You said you were going to hit me, that you have never been more annoyed, and you told me i was a ‘fucking annoying little moron‘ and what not.


I cried my eyes out, naturally. How pathetic. But in my defense, you were really, really mean.

It’s like you don’t have a heart anymore, like you’ve lost your essence.


I had a really really disturbing dream. Been having lots of those lately. Yesterday was particularly creepy.

You were in my room, walking towards me slowly. I was happy, because you looked shamefaced, repenting. I thought you would apologize.

You walked over, to where i was lying in bed. And you started pressing my heart with both your hands, restricting my blood flow.

I was trying to scream, trying to tell you that I’ll leave you alone, that I won’t talk to you, and that you’re not this person.

But I couldn’t, there was no air in my system. I was choking and suffocating to death. And you didn’t loosen your hold, not even for a second.

In that pandemonium, I woke up. My throat was constricted and I could feel the diminutive pressure on my chest.


I don’t know whether dreams are symbolic of reality, whether they’re a warning or whether they are just a muddled up version of our thoughts. I’m hoping against hope that its the third one.


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Man, my blog is so emo.

I hate it. It’s depressing. I used to be such a fun loving person -__-

Hey, can you guys also see really irritating Ads on both sides of my blog when you read it? It’s terrible. Here’s to hoping WordPress doesn’t sellout.


The English language is hurting me. Here I was, thinking I have a pretty okay vocabulary. But now, I’m nonplussed at the absurdity of it all. Did you know refuse means saying no? 

Of course you did.

Did you know that refuse also means trash!?

And that catholic means universal?

If you did, respect. Please transfer some of your English to me.









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Take my breath away.

Would you please come back and take my breath away?



I read two books this past week. Both are distressing. You guys should read them! And let me know if they distressed you too.

1. The Zahir – Paul Coelho
2. The fault in our stars – John Greene

I’m giving him both of these for Valentines, in hopes that they will distress him too. Or make him think atleast.
